Thursday, December 29, 2005

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Which is what I have been doing for the last three days. Back to work tomorrow. The youngest is having her boyfriend over for a special dinner tonight (the eldest is acting as waitress). I guess they don't want any old fogeys dampening the spirit of the date. So Momma and I are off to see King Kong and perhaps eat some Japanese food.

We're blest, being in a major port city, because ethnic food of all sorts is available for tasting. We haven't had Indonesian in a few years, but Korean, Greek and Japanese have been some of our recent favourites. Of course, given the Italian and Chinese populations here, it is hard to think of their food as anything but Canadian, eh.

In the meantime, keep the Christmas Tree up, the outside lights lit (at night, anyway) and the Christmas music playing. And visit friends and family as much as practical. After all it's only the fifth day of Christmas.

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