Friday, September 14, 2007

On Wars...and Wars of Ideas

Read the full article. Father Schall is applying the thesis that wars being with ideas to the war with Bin Laden's Al Qaeda.

On Wars...and Wars of Ideas: "

On Wars...and Wars of Ideas | Fr. James V. Schall, S.J. | September 14, 2007

' '' ''

All wars are first fought
out—or, better, argued about--in the mind. Because they are in minds and
not on battlefields these wars are not violent. They can even be friendly. Wars
are not caused by wars. They are caused by ideas. Ideas as such are good. We
could not eliminate ideas that cause wars if we wanted to, though we can
understand why they can be wrong. But we understand this wrongness only with
another idea. The adventure of the mind is to find out which ideas are true.
The adventure goes on all the time. The mind also needs to find what is true in
ideas that are false since no idea exists that does not contain some truth.

The ideas that cause wars
are not initially conceived as militant, but as an understanding of reality.
Even then, they do not cause conflict until put into effect and meet
resistance, ultimately from other ideas. The purpose of war is to establish the
truth or superiority of an idea. Ideas do not always win just because they are
true. One suspects that true ideas often lose. This is why, behind ideas and
their carrying out, lies divine providence, which can bring out the good that
is found in what is otherwise evil. Evil is ultimately to be rejected and punished
when chosen.

Read the entire article...


(Via Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog.)

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