Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mark Shea and Pete Vere Defend Harry Potter (and I Agree)

This subject (Are the Harry Potter novels evil/?) comes up occasionally in our household, only as a matter of whether this is an abysmally ignorant question or merely misinformed. I've read the full set and enjoyed them, though I still think a little editing here and there would have helped. On my unofficial, personal scale, The Lord of the Rings being best and the Narnia being ok, but written for children, Rawling's series lands in between.

Mark Shea and Pete Vere Defend Harry Potter (and I Agree): "Harry Potter: sinister, evil figure, while Tolkien's Frodo is Christlike?

I've had posted links about Harry Potter, both pro, con, and 'neutral' for a few years now, on my Romantic and Imaginative Theology: Inklings of the World Beyond web page (bottom section). See Mark's posts (I've listed them in chronological order) and the usual 14,532 comments also:

Friend of the Blog John Granger"

(Via Cor ad cor loquitur.)

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