Tuesday, September 25, 2007

MacIntyre in a nutshell. From The Philosophers' Magazine: The main goal of After Virtue,...

While I'm wrestling with Rawls and the Social Contract, here's a chance for you to take on MaIntyre:

MacIntyre in a nutshell.

From The Philosophers' Magazine:

The main goal of After Virtue,...
: "MacIntyre in a nutshell.

From The Philosophers' Magazine:

The main goal of After Virtue, and it is a goal motivated by Nietzsche's persuasive attack on morality (but pursued by MacIntyre with an Aristotelian detachment), is to provide us with a good reason for acting morally today. He does so by introducing his notion of a 'practice'. Practices, MacIntyre tells us, are found in some form or"

(Via Lex Communis.)

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