Friday, August 25, 2006

The Next Phase

of my life seems to be beginning. (You were dying to know that, weren't you?) I've finished working extended hours shifts (12 hours or so) and two regular, part-time jobs for a single, full-time job with eight-hour shifts (which will start on Monday). [Mind you, I have three months to return to the part-time job at the hospital, if things don't work out for some reason.]

It isn't quite my ideal semi-retirement, but walking to work every day will be good exercise. I may even be inspired to blog a little more, assuming I have more energy to spend on such pursuits. After all, there is French to learn, and the wife has a never-ending list of things to do. Today I have to finish cleaning up some tree trimming she did yesterday. Which is probably why I'm bothering to post this otherwise empty nothing: I'm looking for anything to do that doesn't involve yard-work.

Now you feel really important, don't you? Sorry!

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