Saturday, July 25, 2009

The CCCB and it's Employees

The CCCB is the Employer of record for Development and Peace. Once a year they ask for donations in the parish envelopes from the faithful. What have they been doing with this money?

Well they're not directly supporting abortion-related projects, but that was never the charge. Rather they are supporting a multitude of organizations that themselves promote abortion in varying guises:

“Just the Facts”…from a reader:

Development and Peace- the facts

  1. Five pro-abortion groups in Mexico received $170,000 in total this year from D&P in Canada.  These five groups are pressuring the government of Mexico to legalize abortion.

  2. D&P is also funding at least one pro-abortion group in Bolivia (Center for Promotion and Integral Health- CEPROSI).  This group has been described as “one of the most militant, radical and active pro-abortion organizations in Bolivia.”

Read the whole thing.

(Via SoCon Or Bust.)

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